Astrology Services
Jasmine offers a mystically practical map of your meaningful growth cycles and waves that are held in the movement of past, present and future planetary alignments. Whether it's your first exploration into understanding your birth chart, you're seeking the perfect moment for an important life event, needing clarity in a relationship or exploring the hidden wisdom of your body in relation to the stars and greater universe, there are insightful keys held in your planetary alignments waiting to be uncovered. Using the tropical zodiac and whole sign house system, she illuminates these energetic threads of connection, allowing a more conscious experience of life that inspires confidence and clarity to take the next steps on your unfolding path.
Once your order is placed she will respond to you within a few business days to schedule a time for your consult, either in person in the central Oregon areas of Bend, Tumalo, Sisters or Redmond, or online through Skype. Payment arrangements may also be made with cash or Venmo, just email your request for a consultation to begin the process. For your session you're encouraged to bring a notebook and/or recording device, as so much information is shared it's helpful to have references for further contemplation and tracking important transitions of time.
Natal Chart

A comprehensive study of the imprints, karma and gifts you entered this life with. You’ll gain an understanding of what your soul desires to learn and how it may achieve this, giving greater context for the journey of your life thus far. Personal ego traits, family dynamics, relationships, career ambitions and spiritual experiences are some of the key areas this reading will uncover deeper insights into through your birth chart placements. ​
~ 2 hours
Progressed Currents
Expand the framework of your present life into the larger cycles of time that are reflected in your secondary progression chart. Starting at the present moment and looking backwards and forwards, a fractal map of your soul’s spiritual evolution becomes clear, providing greater context and understanding of the wisdom these key turning points hold for you. Planetary transits and relevant current events in your life are referenced to build out a resonant vision of how to proceed forward in a way that is serving your highest potential. Important themes and areas of life that are emphasized will be discussed, along with a series of dates to track that are potent windows of time for specific actions, opportunities and/or contemplation.
This service is also the option for ongoing consultation work after a natal chart is done, tracking the upcoming progressions and transits to navigate your world with greater consciousness of the energies influencing your journey.
~1.5 hours

Plant + Planet

Discover the hidden layers of information your body holds in finely tuned resonance with the planetary bodies. Gather context and deeper insights into energies and experiences that are exhibited through the physical body, energy body and astral body. This is not to diagnose, treat or cure any physical ailments. What is offered is an interpretation of the divine wisdom that lives in your personal star map and the potency of connecting with a plant and/or gem ally that comes forward in support of your current transformation process. A 1/2oz bottle of the resonant flower or gem essence will be made for you to work with the emerging energies, along with guidance for cultivating a supportive relationship with this ally.
Local, in person consults are available in the Bend, Sisters & Redmond areas of central Oregon.
~1 hour
$225 local pick up // $240 shipped
Partnerships of all kinds can benefit in seeing how both participant's planets interact and the kind of relationship they create when together. Patterns that began in other lifetimes and continue in this incarnation may come to light, expanding the understanding of what your are doing here together, again. Life partners, business partners, besties, family members, dance partners, etc... all tell a cosmic story together. Each person’s arc of relationship will be discussed, showing how one shows up in the stages of a building relationship, followed by a look at the synastry of how your planets communicate with each other. The consultation concludes with an interpretation of your composite chart, understanding the dynamics of the relationship as its own entity.
~1.5 hours


Plan the ideal time for major life events! Business ventures, sacred unions, launching new projects, celebrations, moving or selling a house, and other wild adventures can all be astrologically timed for a cosmically aligned experience and well-positioned outcome. As the saying goes, millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do. Jasmine researches the upcoming transits of planets while referencing your natal chart to give you another layer of support in whatever venture you are pursuing. Keep in mind this is a complement to the personal effort you have invested in this life experience, as the most well-timed electional chart will not overcome some basic realities of life, karmic lessons and/or societal collapse. Elections are best utilized for long term planning, ideally giving at least 3 months, if not longer to hone in on a quality date for you. The shorter the lead time the less options there are in the planetary weather, so rather than a truly magically timed chart that checks every box, we may have to deal with what is the best possible outcome with some potential challenging planetary alignments in that window of time. A shorter term chart can still be of great benefit, no doubt, but just to be clear on managing expectations, this is a reality. Unlike other readings, this is a typed and emailed report with a single chosen date and explanation of the planetary energies. Additional dates can be requested for more options.
Emailed chart report
$150 per chart + $40 for each additional date per request